Practical info

Location: Jesus-Haus Herrnhut, Germany
Dates: 4th September 2017 – 10th November 2017 
Cost: 900€ (includes accommodation, food and course fees)
Language: The school is in English. A good level of English is, therefore, required.
Participants: Max. of 12 participants

*Participants must go through the application process.

PLEASE NOTE - if you are interested in the school but cannot do these dates, please contact us to express your interest at

Course Framework

We aim; through the way we run the course, to have the right balance between structure and flexibility. It is our desire, therefore, to have a framework to work from that provides a clear learning plan and a constructive learning environment, as well as providing enough flexibility to allow us to move with the flow of the Spirit and to adjust the plans as necessary.

The general framework consists 3 core elements on Monday- Thursday:

  • Teaching Hours: 2 x Teaching / Training Sessions on the course topics (1.5 hours each). Some of these will be left open for more spontaneous sessions
  • Service Hour:  Daily opportunity to practically serve in Jesus-Haus
  • Prayer Room Hours: Learning and participating in prayer and worship in Jesus-Haus

Other aspects of the course are explained below.

Learning Styles, Study and Development

It is our desire, that the discipleship school will be a like a greenhouse and a training ground for rapid growth in the Lord. We do not want to just fill our ‘students’ with teaching, information and experiences but rather to provide a safe learning environment, rich with opportunities to reflect, wrestle with hard questions, explore and be challenged. We have, therefore, structured the course with various aspects that will hopefully facilitate that:

  • Journalling
All students will be expected to keep a reflective journal of their time on the course. This can include writing and drawing. Some of the reflections will be guided by the leaders.

  • Reflection / Creative Development Day
One day a week will be set apart for reflective processing and study. This will be a weekly opportunity for students to process what they are learning through the creative arts, personal study and journaling. Although students will be having this time alone with the Lord, it will be guided by the course leaders to ensure the students get the most from it.

  • Spiritual Disciplines
The course is intended to challenge the students to take this ‘set apart’ time to pursue the Lord in all areas of their life and to cultivate healthy rhythms and disciplines that foster growth. As part of this we will be exploring the benefit of various spiritual disciplines such as: prayer, bible study, fasting, solitude, celebration and many others.

  • Reading List
Students will be required to read selected texts that compliment the teaching programme.

  • Mentoring
Students will regularly have the opportunity to meet up with leaders for discipleship, mentoring and prayer. We will also encourage and facilitate peer mentoring (learning from one another).

Please note: we take in to account different learning styles, abilities and language competencies and therefore we encourage you to talk with us if you have concerns about the course expectations.


As a house of prayer we minister first before the Lord in worship, simply because He is worthy but also, as we catch hold of what is on His heart, we partner with the Lord in prayer to see His Kingdom come on earth. Whilst these are our primary focuses as a House of Prayer, we don’t want our ministry to stay just in the prayer room.

As part of the school we will regular go out and minister God’s love in other places, whether that is on the street through healing prayer and prophetic evangelism or through joining other ministries serving in other locations and especially with the refugees.  This ‘Outreach’ will take place in Germany, Poland and Czech Republic.

Through these opportunities, it is our prayer that students will grasp the inseparable link between worship, prayer and mission.  We will learn why worship is the fuel for mission. 

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